Hello, everyone! How are you doing?
Coming back here with our series on Spiritual Disciplines, today we'll be talking about worship.
Are you a worshiper? If you are, go ahead and like this video and share it with that friend, that person you believe is also a worshiper. Alright?
Alright then! Let's get straight to the point!
Do you know what worship is?
Perhaps you might think worship is singing that introspective praise song, or maybe singing a softer hymn. Maybe that worship song like "Oceans" just crossed your mind, haha.
But, really, does singing a slow song, a slow or introspective hymn, doing a vibrato, a well-executed melisma, or raising your hands during worship at your church meeting, or expressing your worship through the lyrics of a song, truly make you a worshiper?
♪♪ In spirit, in truth, we worship you, we worship you ♪♪ Does singing like this really make you a true worshiper, or maybe repeating this verse a hundred times will make you a worshiper?
It's true that singing like this, with lyrics coherent with what defines a worshiper, a biblical text, doesn't prove that you are a worshiper.
Worship has no form or mold but essence. Worship has no form; worship is not singing, it is living in spirit and in truth.
Humans fail in worship when they force it. When they don't live their own essence, when they don't live their identity, and then want to show a result similar to what they think is the result of a worshiper.
And this issue is so old, and it seems that few people, very few have managed to decipher the code.
Remember that passage with the Samaritan woman who meets Jesus at the well?
She said:
"Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship."
So Jesus said the following.
Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. This worship has nothing to do with external rituals; it must be genuine and true, coming from the being, from the innermost self of each one.
The more we strive to worship God, the more we separate ourselves from Him.
Because it's not by force, it's not by control; it's surrender, it's totality. It's being part of the whole.
Worship is not about being a wave, but about being the entire ocean.
What is your true identity? That's what you have to present.
Maybe someone here might think, "But I'm fake, I'm a liar, I'm a loser, I'm a deceiver." No, you're not. If you've identified with these things, know that it's your ego putting these wrong ideas in your mind, in your head. The mind is just a tool; it is not you. Your brain is not you either. Everything is something you have. Your body is not you either.
If you work as an engineer, it doesn't mean you are an engineer; it doesn't mean you are a doctor, it doesn't mean you are a singer. This has nothing to do with you. These are things you do, you execute. It's something about what you say about yourself, but it's not your true self.
You are pure consciousness, a spiritual being, a inhabitant of a physical body, the breath of God.
When your true identity makes sense to you, then you can truly be a worshiper, a true worshiper. In your work, in your church, teaching and correcting your children, making love with your spouse, that's how you worship.
You will worship when your doing is in harmony with your being, when your being is as true as your doing. When all your attention is focused on your present and not worried about what others are thinking of you, and not worried about a tomorrow that will never come. It's being transparent.
Because the Father doesn't seek liars, hypocrites, actors, fakes, and deceivers. The Father seeks the true ones who worship Him in spirit and truth.
Worshipping in spirit is not about extravagant rituals or elaborate words. It's about connecting the soul, allowing the heart to speak louder than any formality. It's like a sincere conversation, one you have with a longtime friend, where you don't need to hide anything.
And the "in truth"? Ah, that's so human. It's being authentic, not trying to be someone you're not. God doesn't want a mask; He truly wants you. He wants your true self, not the false, not the ego, not the superego. He wants you.
Sometimes, we think we need to hide behind masks of perfection, but true worship happens when we let those masks fall. When we're no longer guided by a mind conditioned, parameterized by a sad, happy, common, or religious past. When we're no longer anchored to the past or our hearts deluded by a future that will never come.
Imagine it as one of those moments when you're completely vulnerable, no filters, no masks, no makeup. It's in this space of honesty that genuine worship happens; it's when you gain strength by weakening, it's when you lose to win. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, or what your struggles are. God wants your truth, all of it.
So, the next time you're singing, singing that amazing song in church or having a moment alone with God, remember the words of Jesus. Worship in spirit, with your whole being involved. Worship in truth, being yourself, with all your imperfections.
May our worship be more than beautiful words; may it not be to impress men but be a real encounter, an open dialogue between the Creator and the creature, between the creator and creation.
God is looking for worshipers like this, and I know He will be happy to receive your worship, authentic, in spirit and truth.
No more resistance, accept your reality. When you accept your reality, indeed it won't change, but you will change, and when you change, you can transform any reality.
¹ The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
² Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
³ There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.
Psalm 19:1-3
We are together, and God bless you, be ready to be a true worshiper. Be ready and be yourself.
If you've made it to the end of this video, think about everything I said, reflect on everything discussed here, and ask your question. Bring that question from your heart, all those doubts. Leave your question. If you didn't understand anything I said, watch this video again and leave your question, leave your comment. Bring a testimony. Write a testimony about the moment you worshiped like no one else, the moment you worshiped without reservations, the moment you truly were a worshiper. I'm not talking about moments you lived in church but a random moment in your school, at work, with your colleagues, with your mother, with your father. Leave your testimony in the comments. A day when you lived as a true worshiper. We are together, stay with God, until next time. And don't forget to like this video and share it with all your friends. Thanks! I'm out.